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A souvenir is a material, tangible evidence that symbolically freezes a memory, a feeling, a transient experience or a place. A souvenir is an object loaded with various ideas, feelings and metaphors.
Many souvenirs express symbolism, values and myths related to the structuring of the Israeli identity, including nationalism, ethnicity, the melting pot, pluralism and multi-culturalism. In the past and perhaps even now, Israeli souvenirs were a central part of “inventing” the local traditions with the purpose of contributing to the founding of Israeli society based on shared images and values and the feeling of belonging.
Today, the souvenir needs to be updated with a new definition of local tradition thus asking: who decides what is local tradition? What is their background and how do they affect the way we represent memory of a place and time? And what makes an object a souvenir?
To the Glory >>

Group exhibition, Benyamini Contemporary Ceramic Center, Tel Aviv–Jaffa, Israel
Co-curator with Galina Arbeli

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